Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Star Wars birthday cake - v.2

So Friday my husband came home from out of town and we celebrated Ben's birthday...again. On his actual birthday I took cupcakes to his school & he opened all his presents except the ones from mommy & daddy. He agreed to save his birthday cake and a few presents for when daddy came home. I was a bit rushed for time to finish his cake.  Don't get me wrong, I am NO Duff Goldman. But I really wished I could've spent a little more time on it. 
Despite that, I think the birthday boy liked it, don't you?!
My daughter kept coming in and saying "I just love your cakes mommy! I'm not just saying that to make you feel good, I really like your cakes!!" Yep, my kids are pretty great!!

Saturday and Sunday were pretty much spent laying around the house as Ben was fighting a fever off and on and I felt like crud for whatever reason. So we did a lot of stuff like this
I swear, this season has been the worst EVAH. I'm so ready for spring. Now, I'm not a mom who generally freaks out about stuff. But ever since my daughter was in the hospital last Nov I'm a bit paranoid every time someone gets a sniffle. 

Spring??!! Where are you??? We NEED you!!!

ok, freak out over..... HA!

But, we're both back to normal...you know, our own crazy version of "normal"!! So the Valentine's treats had to be put on hold for a couple days. But I have several cute Vday things to show this week so I'll be back with more of that later :)

Oh, and those of you that found your way here from Jen's blog (aka tater tots and jello) ~ Welcome!! Isn't she the sweetest?? I love "meeting" new people in blogland! I haven't had a chance to visit everyone's blogs yet but you can be sure I'll be coming by and saying hi! And I hope you come back and visit :)


  1. That cake is so cute!!!

    Thanks for your comment about my tiered tray. You should try it. Just go over the top of the strips with a credit card or something to get the bubbles out. And don't put the top layer of mod podge until the underneath is dry. I think that cuts down on the bubbling.

    Have a great day!


  2. What an adorable cake! Can you make my soon to be 6 yr old one!?;) He would love it!

  3. Dang, that cake is awesome, and the expression on his cute lil face is priceless!!!


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