Friday, February 19, 2010

not much to say today other than TGIF!

We had a short week this week thanks to winter break on Monday and Tuesday. Love short weeks!! I haven't had a chance to be too crafty this week which is a bummer. I'm hoping to change that this weekend. I stopped at Joann's today (big mistake!) and bought some material for my new sewing class coming up in 2 weeks, an Easter table runner I'm hoping to do, and a dress for my daughter. And some other little trinkets of course!

My son had his first t-ball practice yesterday. This kid was so excited to go! This week they just focused on catching and throwing. Next week they get to bat. Yahoo! I would share some photos but I'm too lazy to blur out all the other kids' faces. hehe I'll share a pic when he gets his uniform :) 

Check out the pretty sunset last night...
By the way, have you noticed the moon lately?? It's a crescent shape but it's in a "U" shape. Really neat! 

I'm also excited to go to this in a couple weeks:
My friend Virginia will be teaching there...and the only person I'll know since certain people ~ who shall remain nameless ~ didn't want to go. I could *not* say no to this:
And I'll also get a chance to catch up with a friend or 2 from Knoxville where I lived for 3 years before moving to GA. Can't wait! 



  1. Ummmm....yea, that place looks amazing!!! And sounds like it's going to be a great weekend. I can't to hear about it!! And what a pretty sunset photo. Happy Friday, hope you have a great weekend.

  2. Wow that place looks wonderful!! Lucky!!! :-) I hope you have a great trip.


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