Friday, December 23, 2011

winter break

Christmas is coming way too fast this year. It's my favorite time of year...I wish it would slow down!
Picked up some vintage ornaments at Goodwill a week ago. Score! And I picked up this cute vintage suitcase at my quilt retreat in October. I'm planning on redoing the inside (one of the many items on my 'to-do' list!)

Some new decorations, some old, some handmade. Can you tell I like Charlie Brown ;)

We went to see Arthur Christmas with friends.
Such a great movie that I'm thinking of taking the kids to see it again next week.

We went to see A Christmas Story playing at the dollar movies. Awesome.
Many hours have been spent on Club Penguin...
Something fun came in the mail...
Project Life for next year...I ordered Clementine for Addie's 2nd year and for our family album. Which reminds me...I realize I haven't been very good at sharing my pages. So next week I'll be sharing Addie's album...I promise :)

I've been working on my December Daily (and so has my oldest daughter). Almost caught up. My friend Theresa & her gang came over yesterday.

The boys...
The girls...
hehe :)

We still have gingerbread houses, popcorn garland, Christmas cookies & a few other holiday crafts to make :)

I have to brave the grocery store today. And possibly Target. My daughter's birthday is just 8 days after Christmas so it makes for an even busier Christmas season. It's nearly noon and I'm still in my pjs. Guess I'd better get going!!

Merry Christmas Eve-Eve!!

1 comment:

  1. fun to see all ur decor and ur cute kiddos too!
    merry christmas to u!!!


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