Sunday, December 4, 2011

December Daily sneak

I'm currently working on my December Daily. I have about half of the album completed and I'm working on the filling the first few days with pics.

I should have more to share tomorrow. Right now I'm enjoying some family time. We came home from church and had a wonderful breakfast/lunch.
Pancakes. Bacon. Eggs. Yum! The only thing missing was maybe some biscuits & gravy. Double yum!

The kids are making presents :) and we're going to finish start decorating the tree. It's been up for a week with lights on it but no decorations. So we need to fix that!
And in the midst of all this my washing machine broke so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my handy husband can fix it. Cause a new one is not in the budget right now! It's 10+ yrs old and this is the first time we've ever had an issue with it.
I also have an etsy shop update. Finally. Whew!! The shop is open! I will be listing items for the next week and updating here. Currently I have a few December Daily/Christmas Album kits in the shop.
2 of them sold before I could post about the kits so you have to be quick! You can 'like' my facebook page to get updates - click on the link in my sidebar ----------->>>

I'm also working on some fun holiday pillows and some December Daily/Christmas embellishment kits. So stay tuned... 
Oh, and one final thing...I updated my playlist to Christmas music. I don't have it autostart cause I find that annoying when you go to someone's blog and music starts blasting and you can't find where to turn it off! It's on the sidebar ------>>>
Just click the play button and it'll start :)

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