Wednesday, November 2, 2011

kinda glad, kinda sad

Can you tell which one is Addie's pumpkin :)

Another Halloween has come and gone. For me it was too fast. I made the kids costumes so I was all consumed with that last week. I didn't get up many decorations. In fact, I decorated the outside of the house the day of Halloween.
My kids came home from school and were thrilled :) I felt bad that I hadn't pulled out anything. My kids really enjoy my Halloween and Christmas decorating because I usually go all out (hello, I'm the mom that has been known to have 4 - yes four - full size Christmas trees in the house!)

I normally dress up for Halloween
Or at least do some fun makeup & a witch hat. 
That didn't happen this year. 

It was Addie's first Halloween and I'm bummed it went by too fast. 
I know, I know, she's only 4 mos old. But still. 

I did still manage to make the kids mummy dogs for dinner. But that was about it for the Halloween food. Much less than I normally make.

We were running so crazy after school because they get out an hour later than I'm used to...and it gets dark here so darn early...that I didn't get too many decent photos. So I've already warned the kids that I'm going to have them dress up again & do a Halloween photo shoot. I'm sure they won't mind :)

I'm hoping to slow down a bit & enjoy the upcoming holidays. I don't want to plow through them at 100mph and miss all the 'little' things. That's the best part :)

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean, we spend so much time preparing and then it's over in a blink of an eye! Your front porch looked awesome, I love that big spider!!!


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