Thursday, November 17, 2011

are you going???



Are you going??

I can't wait! It's gonna be the best so far. It's been a while since I've read the book. I had every intention of reading it again before the movie came out. But I got busy and that didn't happen. Plus the fact that it's still packed in a box in the basement!

I just watched the trailer again & got goosebumps. I hope Kristin Stewart can pull it off. We'll see!!! Either way I get my dose of Edward & Jacob so it's all good :)
On a non-vampire & non-werewolf related topic...I have a post up at 3 Scrappy Boys blog about getting started on my December Daily. Head over here to check it out!


  1. Have fun seeing the movie!!! I read all the books but haven't seen any of the movies yet. Weird, huh?

  2. Not weird. The books were sooo good! I just hope this one lives up to my expectations!!

  3. My 17 year old daughter and some girlfriends went to a movie marathon here in TX. They started at 2:30 pm with the first Twilight movie and ended with the 12:01 am showing of the latest movie. They all had a ball and now she wants to take me to see Breaking Dawn because she can't wait to see it again. All in all, a great time had by all...perhaps not so much for me who was the driver for 2:30 am dismissal of the movie, but that is what we do as moms...keep our kids safe. At least I got to sleep in!


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