Monday, October 17, 2011

out in the pumpkin patch

Yesterday we headed out to the pumpkin patch after church. We couldn't have asked for nicer weather. Sunny & beautiful, just a tad chilly...perfect.
My kids don't really have memories of being in a 'real' pumpkin patch since they hadn't been to one in almost 6 yrs.
It was a big pumpkin patch. Note to self - bring gloves next time...pumpkin stems are very picky!
Ahh, those mountains. So pretty.

My son kept going for the big green pumpkins. Not sure you can carve those!
But I appeased him & got a small little green one for our porch :)
We actually went to 2 different farms. At the first one we got our pumpkins & some veggies. At the second one we went in a corn maze & did some other fun things with the kids.
Yes we did!
Addie hung out blowing spit bubbles!
It was a fun day spent with my favorite people :)


  1. Great photos!! Glad it was a nice weekend. Very blustery here. No pumpkin patch for us. We grew our own this year.

  2. Beautiful pumpkins. I never thought I was claustrophobic UNTIL I got lost in a corn maze. First and last time in one. Kids are growing so fast. We are getting settled in Alabama. Moved here permanently in Aug. NOt as far away as you are but still, another state, everything new. NO scrapbook stores here anywhere. Only a super Wal-mart. Good luck.


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