Saturday, September 3, 2011

chicken wire - it's not just for chickens

This is a project I've had on the back burner for a while now. I've had the idea & frames was just waiting for a space to put it.

After a few battles with my husband's staple gun (and maybe a few expletives while the kids were in the house) I managed to finish my project :)
I used a frame I bought several years ago in the clearance section of Hobby Lobby for 5 bucks & painted it Bahama Breeze (Krylon). Love this color...not too light, not too dark. The frame is a little banged up but I love that.

After painting it I added the chicken wire...and discovered that I really need to buy a new staple gun. Ugh that thing!!! 

I went back & forth on what kind of banner to make. I really love the banner/pennant look right now. I knew that I wanted 5 pennants & figured since we have 5 in our family now that I'd do everyone's initials.
I simply cut burlap, some patterned paper, and accented with the alphas & other simple touches. Then I dressed up a couple mini clothespins & hung it by some more burlap. I love how the burlap frays when it's cut :) And there you have it! 

I'll be linking this project up to Jen's Weekend Wrap-Up Party.



  1. This is beautiful! I am totally impressed and way into anything "frames" lately! I am hosting a Mirror Week over at my blog starting today {and frames and other wall art}! Feel free to head over there and link this gorgeous Chicken wire frame up! :)

  2. Two thumbs WAY up!! I absolutely love chicken wire. :)

  3. Michelle-

    I love love love this project. I have 3 frames from Hobby Lobby just sitting here waiting for something wonderful to happen to I know what I'm doing to them :)
    What a great idea. You are awesome and your family is just beautiful. Thank you for all that you do.


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