Friday, August 26, 2011


We're heading into the end of summer vacation. It's bittersweet for me. I always miss my kids when they're in school. I like having them around...for the most part :) We've had some...ahem...attitude issues we've been dealing with around here. Mostly with my son. He doesn't do well with major change. I know it's been hard for my kids, with moving & essentially having a total upheaval of their lives, then adding a baby to the mix. 

But the attitudes...and talking back...that doesn't fly with me. There's nothing I hate worse than to hear when we're out in public is someone's kid be really snotty to their mom or dad...and they do nothing. I don't believe in the 'it's just the hormones' philosophy. 

Oh sure, that has something to do with it. Believe me, I've had some crazy hormones the last few months. But that doesn't give me license to be a jerk to my entire family. 

So it's my job as a mom to teach them how we treat others. And I've been doing a lot of 'teaching' lately! 

We've been crossing things off our summer list.
We have 46 items on the list...and we've completed about 26 of them. We'll see how many we get done in the next week and a half!
We've rediscovered our love of Barbies & G.I.Joe :)
This little one is getting bigger...and smiling more...and 'talking' more :) And I think her hair is turning blonde. It almost looks like she had gray hair growing in! hehe
And speaking of the little one...we've been working on getting her room done. Cause she's pretty much outgrown her bassinet. 
Now if I could just get some hardware for her crib we'd be all set...cause it somehow got lost. Ooops!
Tonight I'm going for a much needed crop night at the local scrapbook store.
(I'll be sharing this layout soon!)
On my to-do list - get caught up on Addie's Project Life album, finish up my road trip mini & maybe do a layout or 2. 
We'll see how far I get!



  1. Have FUN at the crop tonight! Wish I was going, too. :)

  2. I am so glad you mentioned the attitude thing! It is so refreshing to know that the hormone excuse doesn't fly with someone else!! I thought I was the only one! Oh, I am so tired of hearing that one! Been doing alot of "teaching" here too. My 13 yr old has not been happy with me lately. LOVE the photos of the kids!! So fun! I hope you are able to scratch more off your list. Have fun at your crop!! Gosh, I haven't gone to one of those in years!


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