Saturday, August 6, 2011

a great week

It's been a busy week. 

Busy crossing of things on our summer list. 

Busy hanging out with new friends. 

Busy having fun!


Cherry pickin' with some new friends :)
Molly the pot-bellied pig...she likes cherries :)
If I hadn't stopped my kids we would've come home with 100lbs of cherries!

A&W for lunch...


This week we also hung out with the same friends at local pool. I think my kids went down these slides 5,489 times. At least.

Addie's 2 month check...and 3 shots. Boo :(

Checking out an antiques store in town...found lots of treasures :)


Pool party...lots of swimming
Matching summer toes :)
Even Addie got her feet wet :) And no, she didn't like it. Don't worry, we only got her feet wet!


Fun summer times

Tomorrow's agenda - a big street fair in ID. Can't wait!


  1. OH so envious you can go cherry picking!!! I have to drive 5+ hours up to Door County, WI. One of these years, we will do it. I think I even burnt my kids out on the blueberry picking!! Such a fun summer for all of you!! Glad you are all having a good time!!

  2. Such cute pics! Either Addie is really, really tiny, or Dave's hands are ENORMOUS!! :)


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