Friday, July 1, 2011

this week

Impromptu photo shoot after lunch downtown last Saturday...

We're at the end of week 2 of summer vacation. Back in GA the kids would've already been out for a month by now. I have to keep reminding myself that it has just started and they still have more than 2 full months left. 

I really want to make an effort to start getting out & doing things so that we don't get to the end & realize we did nothing all summer. Still recuperating & oh so tired from baby duty so it makes it a bit difficult. But I'm gonna try! 

We're working on our 2011 summer list so that should get us going. I really want to do a chalk board style like Meg did on her blog. Been talking to the hubster about a possible place to put one in our family room. Still working on that one...
Little Miss Addie-boo turned 3 weeks old yesterday

Really?? It's already hard to remember a time that she wasn't in our lives. Funny how that happens, isn't it?!
Still can't get over that hair. She's the 1st one of my kids to have hair like that.

Yesterday I got the CD of her newborn photo shoot that was done in the hospital. So glad they did that because I was in a fog the first week or 2 & didn't get too many pics of her. Love these photos :)
We took Addie to church for the first time last Sunday & she slept the entire time. I also took her to the movies on Wednesday. Our local movie theater has a summer special where you get 9 movies for $5. Last week daddy took the kids but since he's back at work it was time for me to go. She did great, slept in her Snugli the entire time. I'm so bummed that the pic I took with my camera phone of her snoozing didn't save :( Gotta get another one next week.
Got some more spray paint the other day. And you know what that means....

...hopefully some more projects are in the works soon :)
Picked this up the other day...
I was hungry. And those pics looked really good. That shrimp is calling to me. One of these days if I actually manage to do a real grocery shopping trip I might get a chance to make something out of there!
Really really really hoping to crack into my latest Noel Mignon kit. It's been sitting on my computer desk taunting me. I also need to work on Addie's Project Life album along with our family one. Both are getting way behind. Maybe with this long holiday weekend I can get some 'me' time in somewhere :)
And speaking of the holiday weekend, I really would love to make this.

Isn't that cute?!! Not sure of any local events that are happening around here so we may just be hanging at the house. But you can bet there will be bbqing & smores involved :) 

I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July!!!


  1. fun photos! ur hair is beautiful!
    love the baby snapshots! she is a doll and love her hair too!

  2. That's quite the hair!! Have fun over the summer! :) Also - I just bought that same blue spray paint, hopefully posting what I did with it soon! :)


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