Sunday, July 17, 2011

the miracle of life

It's always amazing to me how teeny tiny cells can turn into a human life. How a baby can go from being the size of your pinky finger to an 7+ pound bundle of joy.

Having gone through IVF I got to experience life right from the beginning. I'm thankful for this experience because I got to see several weeks of the beginnings of life that I didn't get to see with my other 2 kids. By the time I saw them on an ultrasound they were already about 8-9 weeks along with a tiny little heartbeat.

But this last little one...I got to see right from the beginning. As just a group of cells, growing & dividing.

I always wonder which one was Addie :) Was she #1 that my 
dr thought was the 'best' embryo out of the bunch??

Then as just a little sac. 

5 weeks 5 days

And then a tiny flicker of a heartbeat.

6 weeks 5 days

The beginnings of arms & legs, hands & feet. A tiny, tiny baby.
10 weeks 5 days
More defined arms, legs, fingers, toes. Movement. A tiny baby growing bigger & bigger.
11 weeks 6 days
 20 weeks 6 days
Growing bigger and bigger by the weeks
29 weeks 2 days

Until the day that you get to hold that precious baby in your arms for the first time. 
2 days old
 1 month old

How can you not say this is a miracle?? It's just amazing to me and I'm so thankful I got to experience it just one more time.


  1. what a tender post! she is beautiful and r right, it truly is a miracle!!
    squeeze that cute thing for me!

  2. It is amazing. I cannot get over the change in her in just the first month! She is perfect :)


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