Friday, July 29, 2011


The other day we headed downtown to have lunch with daddy at one of my fave spots. 
Olivia scanned for bugs with her spy gear watch while Addie slept :)

Then we ended up staying down there for the rest of the afternoon. 
There's lots to do in downtown Spokane, including this area that has rides & an IMAX theater. 
Yeah, to say the kids had fun would be an understatement. I mean, who doesn't love a ride on the Tilt-a-whirl??!
Too little to ride ;)
Oh Mr. Funnel Cake, with your fried, sugary, artery clogging goodness, how I love you so.
It was a fun afternoon filled with riding rides, watching an IMAX movie about elephants & gorillas, & most arguing. So nice.

We rounded out the afternoon with a ride on the carousel that's over 100 yrs old.
A fun summer afternoon :)

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