Sunday, May 1, 2011

in the home stretch!

We made it to Butte. MT. What a beautiful state! And no dogs pooped in the back of my van today so it was a good day...ha! 

I think we have about 300 miles to go and then we're home...which is a good thing cause my legs & especially my ankles have become so swollen. I had no idea my ankles could look like this...or hurt like this!

We're supposed to be closing on our house on Tuesday. Of course, I haven't heard from our real estate agent yet. I'm ready to be in our house! Our mover said that he'd make it there by Saturday so he should already be there waiting for our call.

I'm ready to begin our new adventure! 

1 comment:

  1. I bet it has been some long days!! I am glad you are almost there. Were you able to stop and sight see alittle on your way out? That would of been cool if you were able to!!!


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