Tuesday, May 31, 2011

hangin' in there

It's hard to believe that I've lived in Washington for 4 weeks now! The last month has been mostly a blur...getting settled, unpacking, enrolling the kids in school...all of the 'fun' things that go along with moving. I'm still waiting on phone & internet which is driving me a bit crazy!

Apparently when they came to hook up my phone & internet they discovered that I had no connection to the main box across the street. Last Thursday they came out to drill under the road (because we have underground utilities) and they broke their drill. Figures! So they came out again today & I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll hear from the phone company soon & we can get my internet up & running in the next week. Blogging while sitting in McDonalds is getting a bit old!

Anyway, we're discovering our new town & one of the things we love is that there is a great park just down the road from our house. My kids want to go there all the time! And since we had some beautiful weather yesterday we took some lunch & headed down there to enjoy the afternoon :)

I used Noel Mignon's Mary Ellen kit for this layout along with the alphas from Jump & Jive. I cut out those great flowers from the OA paper as an accent on the side of my photos along with those great wooden buttons...the ones that my puppy hasn't snatched from my craft table. Apparently he likes 'em, too ;)

I added some butterflies as a final accent. Can't get enough butterflies these days!



  1. Cool layout. I hope you get your phone and internet soon.

  2. glad u r getting settled in! how fun to have a park so close by!


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