Monday, May 16, 2011

hello? is anybody out there???

I feel like I should ask that since I've been away from my blog for so long! I had no idea that I would be away for nearly 2 weeks. 

We closed on our house on May 3rd & the movers came & unloaded all of our stuff on the 4th. We've spent the rest of the time trying to dig out from the mountains and mountains and mountains of boxes. To make things harder the packers did a horrible job with 80% of the stuff that was packed so trying to find stuff has been a challenge to say the least. 

Like, when I was unpacking my scrapbook stuff I discovered the handle is missing to my cutter. My expensive cutter. It was attached when they went to pack it so God knows where it is. I have yet to find it.

And, my glass shelves for my china cabinet weren't even wrapped in any paper...just shoved down the side of the box. Picture frames, figurines, packed with minimal paper. 

Stuff just dumped in boxes. Random things from different rooms mixed in the same boxes.

Not everything was packed that way but too many boxes were like that. Especially considering how much this company is getting paid to do this. Yeah, they won't be getting a good evaluation from us, that's for sure.

I still don't have internet or a phone line which is why my blog has been so neglected. That's supposed to be in on Thursday so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I really need to do some scrappin...I've missed it terribly. Most of my scrappy stuff is unpacked so I'm hoping to get to that at some point today.

My kids started their first day at their new schools today so I'm praying they have a great day. They both have great teachers & great schools so I can't wait to hear all about it. In fact, Olivia has a field trip scheduled for Wednesday so she was pretty psyched to come to school & find that out this morning.

I have lots of pictures to share from our trip & more. I'm hoping to be back tomorrow or at least within the next couple days!!


  1. Glad you made it! I know all about packers not doing their job right. Very frustrating. The handle will show up :) Hopefully you don't have a lot of damage. How are you feeling? Have to be exhausted! Hope the kids had a great first day!

  2. Happy to hear everyone arrived safely ! Take your time unpacking
    & take care of yourself!


Let's hear it!