Monday, April 18, 2011

project life - weeks 13-14

I'm a bit behind in sharing my Project Life pages. I'm pretty much caught up with the few weeks that I missed so I'm going to share the last couple weeks here & I may or may not go back & share previous layouts. We still have plenty of the year left for me to share pages with you guys!

So here's week 13:
The first part of the week was filled with my husband's birthday, baseball & packing for our trip to WA.
The second half of the layout I simply shared some pics & ephemera from our trip. Parking pass, napkin from a cool coffee place at one of the airports, airline receipts, postcard, etc. Fun stuff :)

Week 14:
This week is a bit more packed. In addition to the 'regular' pages I added 3 additional pages. You can see them peeking out from behind each other.
I took a 12x12 page protector that had 4x6 slots & cut it in half so I'd have 3 on each side. I used one for the house pics & one for the ultrasound pics. Then I also printed out some journaling of our house hunting trip, added some patterned paper & put that in an 8 1/2 x 11 page protector.
I also added some Avery file tabs for the 2 6x12 pages.
I used both sides of the layout for more pics from our WA trip. Honestly, we really didn't do much when we got home other than the baby's ultrasound so I didn't have any other pics for that week. 

Journaling was typed on a shipping tag & stitched. I also did some journaling directly on the photos with a Sharpie.

Working on getting week 15 and my travel journal done before the movers get here & pack up all of my stuff this week!

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