Friday, March 11, 2011

we love pizza planet

I created these layouts a while back & realized that I never photographed them or shared them on my blog. For shame!

So while I'm out of town for the weekend enjoying some much needed scrappy girl time I thought I'd share a few of those. And hopefully I'm finishing up my Disney scrapping at my retreat!

Since we have a few Disney trips under our belt I now prefer to create layouts based more on park/character favorites rather than all of the 'traditional' events that happen. Not that I won't scrap those, they just take more of a back seat.
Oh how we love Pizza Planet. Their pizza is super yummy (but shhh...don't tell the kids they had the same pizza over at the resort!) Still, it's good pizza. And the side ceasar salad that came with it totally cured my salad cravings that I was having that week!
I cut the round border from the patterned paper (I believe it is My Little Shoebox?) & added a different center that matched my photos better. The yellow space needed something so I added some punched clouds. 

Simple layout but cute. Just how I like 'em!

1 comment:

  1. What a cute page! I love the clouds! We love Pizza Planet too. We ate there twice on our last trip and I'm sure we will go there at least twice on our next trip in August:)


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