Monday, March 14, 2011

more Disney love

I knew when I went to scrap the photos in this first layout I wanted some fun bright papers with reds, blues & yellows. Enter October Afternoon. I think they work well with the whole 'learning' theme of playhouse Disney.
Whenever we go to Disney we love to check out the new characters. This time we got to see a few, one of them was Special Agent Oso & another was Lotso Huggin' Bear...and he looooves to give hugs :)

Since Lotso is very big (seriously, my kids kept saying 'look how huge he is!!') and very pink I didn't want the color of the photos to overtake my layout. So I used one larger photo along with a strip of smaller ones on the side.
 I just had to include more than one photo of Lotso giving my kids big hugs :)


  1. So cool. When we went to Disney in August there was no Oso or Lotso. :( My son bought my daughter a lotso stuffed bear for her is huge as well. I am enjoying your Disney layouts.

  2. I love how you used that first paper with the abc's and scalloped edge... I bought that same paper--- I haven't used it yet, but I love seeing the way you used it!


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