Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Delightfully Domestic layouts

The latest Noel Mignon kit arrived at my door just a few days before I left for my retreat. So you know that was the first thing to get packed to go with me! I did several layouts with the kit & plan to use up every single scrap in that kit. I just love the colors in this one!!

So here goes...
This first one was actually inspired by one of the blogs I like to go to a lot (you can see the layout here). Love her style.
Hint - to get bigger paint splatters simply unscrew the lid & flick the paint on the paper.
And sometimes a few pattered paper strips, some border stickers make a nice layout like this one. 
I couldn't resist using some of my new twine from Noel's shop. Have you seen it??? Love it...I need more. Really, I do.

And this last one is my favorite. I {love} shaped papers. Again, I went with strips of patterned paper for the background.
This photo (especially in black & white) kinda scares me because I see so much of myself in her. It kinda feels like I'm looking at a picture of myself! There's no denying she's mine.
I love little clusters of embellishments. That little pocket with the card is just too cute :)
Not a super 'technique-y' layout but it's my fave :)

I have some Jillibean Soup layouts that I created with the new goodies that came in mail last week so I'll be sharing those soon :)

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