Friday, March 25, 2011

baby gift from a drink container

A friend of mine had a baby last month & I have yet to see him since I've been sick off and on for the last month. But I did manage to put together a little gift for her. Hopefully she's not reading my blog right now!
Anyway, I saw this cute idea & since I've altered these containers before I thought it would make a cute baby gift but wanted to use some of the new Jillibean Soup papers I'd just gotten in the mail. The blues & greens worked perfectly since my friend had a boy.

I started off with this container:
My kids were happy they got to enjoy some yummy bottled root beer...see, my crafting pays off for you guys every once in a while! Anyway, I measured & cute all the papers to fit on the container.
For the handle I actually cut one piece of paper & wrapped it around the top. I thought it would look nicer that way.
And I simply added some embellishments & baby goodies and that's it!
Supplies used:
patterned papers, alphas - Jillibean Soup Spotted Owl
Ribbon - Stampin' Up!

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