Monday, December 20, 2010

what a week!

Last week was the kids' last week of school. Thursday was their last day to be exact. It was full of last minute shopping, preparing class treats, treat bags, teacher gifts, gift exchange shopping, etc...

It was a busy week. A fun week. A week that I am glad is over because I can breathe a sigh of relief that most of the 'busy' part of this season, for me, is over. 

So here was our week in photos...

Spending time with good friends

Making lots of holiday popcorn balls & blizzard bites

Class parties...and one very happy 3rd grader who got a 100% on her math quiz and got a pack of Skittles from her teacher :)
Trying to get some decent photos for our Christmas card...always comical!
Watching our little pup grow by leaps and bounds. He's already doubled his weight in the 5 weeks we've had him!
So curious to see what he's going to look like as a full grown pup. When we first got him I thought he looked more like a lab but now I'm thinking more of a golden like his mama. Only time will tell!!

Heading out for a girls night at at Sips n Strokes and all 3 of us being thoroughly surprised that we could actually paint something that turned out cute!

My sweet girl taking her first sewing class and make some holiday projects. Her favorite - this stuffed animal scarf. She did awesome!

I'm still behind on my December Daily which is why you haven't seen any posts on that. I will catch up. I did last year. I think it's a great concept and worth finishing...even if you don't finish til after Christmas!

I'm also thinking ahead to our Disney trip which is coming up in January. And I still need to make some autograph books!

I am hoping to finish up some last minute items tomorrow and then spend the rest of the week enjoying the season. And that includes heading to the IMAX theater tomorrow to see A Christmas Carol.

I hope you all are enjoying Christmas week and not getting too frazzled!! I'll be back this week with some more Noel Mignon projects...hopefully one or 2 with the new Very Virginia kit. It just went up for sale yesterday and is already almost sold out. 

Here's a preview and you can check out the full kit contents here.

Oh, and in case you didn't know it - 5 days til Christmas!!!!



Let's hear it!