Friday, October 15, 2010

still feels surreal...

Our family will soon be growing by one more (or possibly more??) Two blood tests and 2 home pregnancy tests have confirmed it - I am indeed expecting!!! I never ever ever thought I would EVER utter those words again in my lifetime.

I feel so blessed. Even more than I did before.

I woke up Monday morning and just felt 'different'. So different from any other previous day. I just 'knew'. So I took a home pregnancy test. It was positive. The line was very faint, but it was there

But I didn't believe it until I had the blood test on Tuesday morning which confirmed it. Then today I had more blood work to confirm that my hcg levels are going up, which they are. Tuesday they were 41 (pretty low) and today they were 81 (which is where the nurse guessed they'd be).

It's hard to know what's 'normal' because everyone is different. Some women's #'s start off low and some higher. But as long as they're going up and not going down (or hitting a plateau) then it's good.

I'll have the 'how many' question answered in a couple weeks once my hcg levels hit about 4000. So I thought it'd be fun to have a poll which is over at the top right ------->>>>

And if anyone answers 'three', I'm gonna hunt you down and TP your house!! hehe I'm really feeling like there's only one in there. Then again, I thought my daughter was going to be a boy and my son was going to be a girl! Clearly my intuition doesn't always work properly. So who knows right now!!

Thank you to everyone who has supported me on this journey. It's been a long (almost) 3 yrs of waiting. Lots of crying. Lots of praying.

And now comes the fun part of waiting. And I can't wait!!


  1. So VERY happy for you and your family!!!

  2. I voted for one, even though I am hoping for two!! :)

  3. i voted for 2 although i think you would be happy with any numnber!!! I am ACTUALLY over the moon for you and i said AWWWWWWW out loud before realising... DH was like whats up... and i was like I read this blog... and this lady who has been going through the mill to have a little one ... IS PREGNANT!!!! big smiles all round over here in little old England!!! happy days... looking forward to hearing all the news as things progress!!! WOOOOP!!! xxxx

  4. I'm sooo excited for you!!!! Congratulations to your family!!! Let the fun begin!

  5. I almost called you today to ask how the 2nd blood draw went, but then I got distracted. I voted 1, I would not wish more than that on anyone :-)

    Hope we can get together soon!

  6. I've been stalking your blog waiting impatiently for an update. I am over the moon for you. Healthy prayers being said for you!

  7. Congratulations! What a blessing!


    My sister is 20 weeks pregnant :) We all are so excited :)

  9. Congratulations!!! That's so very exciting!! I love when you're so in touch with your body sometimes and just 'know' things.

  10. OMG HUGEEEEEEEEEEEE congrats Michelle, i am actually crying reading this, we took 2 years to get pregnent with Lucy so i can guess how your feeling right now. cant wait to see all your progress xx

  11. Michelle in LouisianaOctober 15, 2010 at 2:28 PM

    WhooHoo! Congrats! You are so brave (and blessed)! I would have never been able to share this journey like you are doing! You go, Girl!

  12. Congratulations...
    I hope that you have a great pregnancy and a healthy baby(ies).... whatever the case may be. You have worked hard for this, thanks for keeping us posted.

  13. Congratulations! I don't normally post, but I follow your blog. So I know what you put yourself through for this to come to fruition based on your posts. I'm so happy it has happened for you! You obviously want this so badly, and this baby will be well-loved, as I'm sure your other children already are. Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy!

  14. Congratulations ... I am so very happy for you.
    I voted for 2 but really think it is only 1.

  15. This seriously makes my heart so happy. :) I am so glad for your family. I can't wait to watch your story unfold!

  16. oh michelle, i am so excited for you! just getting to know you, but just so happy to hear this news for you! plus i didn't realize you were on a 3 year journey. my best friend had to go through the same thing to get her 2nd baby, it took 6 years, so miracles do happen!
    hang in there!

  17. I've been lurking around and reading your blog! I am so excited for you!!! Congrats!

  18. I voted for 3, cuz' you know where I live, and I WANT you to come over! ;-D

  19. Congratulations! I pray that all goes well with you and your growing family!


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