Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter photo shoot

I hope all of you had a wonderfully blessed Easter weekend! I managed to get some good shots of the kids outside church today.
And there was a new visitor to church who was greeting people as they walked up...
Such a sweet boy. He just showed up today. I don't know who he belongs to but I reserve the right to take him home if he's there again next week....honey, did you hear that?? I mean, come on, look at that face!!


  1. I love them. They are getting so big. Love the dress. Did you make this one? So bright and cheerful. I hope yall had a good easter.

  2. The dress came out beautifully!!! Great job!!

    Oh...if you don't keep that dog if it comes back...we will!!

    Talk to you soon.


Let's hear it!