Monday, March 1, 2010

great game...til we lost

 Warning ~ if you don't like hockey, skip to the end! 

By the way, Miller's helmet. So cool. 

Such a great game yesterday. Canada got the first point. 
Then they got another one. Ugh... But wait! We scored! And then....with less than 25 secs left in the game...we scored again!!!
The game went into OT. And then.....we lost. But, it was a great game. And we enjoyed some healthy food
Btw, Smokey Bones redid their restaurant a bit. There's a bunch of signs around, especially in the bathrooms, that were quite hilarious. One about a courtesy flush....oh how funny! I'll share those in another post :)
On an unrelated topic, would you like to win one of these?
I sure would. Doesn't that color blue just force you to smile?? Head over here to check out the details.


  1. Thank you for posting my giveaway!!!

    The food you were having during the game looks soooo yummy! I'd like some of that please!


Let's hear it!