Wednesday, March 24, 2010

3 things I will never understand about women...

things I will never understand about women using public restrooms that is. (To get the full effect of this post, please insert sarcasm, gestures, & gross faces in each example!)

#1 ~ why is it so difficult to flush the toilet? Do you do this at home? Ewwww!! And for those auto flush toilets, they always have a button, sensor, something on it to make it flush. C'mon women, that's just gross! Unless the toilet is stopped up, flush it!

#2 ~ how do women miss the bowl?? This one has been twisting my brain in knots for years. How do you miss?? Are you doing the hover maneuver?? I don't get it...

#3 ~ no one wants to listen to you tinkle. Not the people in the stall next to you and certainly not the person you're talking to on the phone. And believe me when I say, I've heard women going something other than that (aka, #2) while talking on a cell phone. I won't even get into further details about why that's gross... Gross, gross, gross!!!

This has been a public service announcement for the Women Against Gross Women in Public Restrooms Advocacy Group. We now return to your regularly scheduled programming...


Virginia said...

I know- the phone thing- what the heck??!! So gross!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm SSSSOOO right there with ya!! I almost have a phobia of public restrooms, they gross me out so much. Seriously, I've had nightmares where I've had to go to the bathroom and every stall in the restroom is disgusting. Not sure what that says about my psyche.....

Carol Crowley said...

YUK! My skin is literally trying to crawl off me just thinking about this! Where can I join your group?

Katie R. said...

Right there with you! I don't understand how women miss the bowl either. Gross, gross, gross!!!! The phone thing is disgusting too.

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